25% SAVINGS New Neighbors Welcome Coupon
(Please present with First Order; Dry Cleaning Only)

SHIRTS 99 cents!
Suits / Dresses
New Neighbors Two Month
Introductory Price with
$35 monthly Dry cleaning
Our neighbors are our customers.
“Therefore, we strive to provide the highest degree of service at the most affordable price.
Our hope is that through our Home pickup and delivery service we may relieve busy schedules, permitting old friends and new, more quality time for Family, Friends, and the Country living activities
we ALL truly enjoy! “

Our Alteration pricing is very reasonable and normally takes only a week turnaround.
Simple hems or repairs take less time.
Measurements by appointments Only.

We are committed to the environment:
• No use of harmful toxic chemicals
• Safe for you and your family
• Safe for the environment
• EPA approved
• Only non-toxic substances such as water,
biodegradable soap and steam are used
• Garments look cleaner, last longer,
feel softer, look brighter and smell fresher
• No allergic reactions

Now you can keep your preferred comfortable shoes by sending them in for repair.
My Valet has partnered with renowned NYC Foot Wear Craftsmen.
If you need a special repair not covered in our price list, please send them in for a free estimate.
Coming Soon…………. Same Day Shoe Shine to your Door !!!